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The Good Clinic

Aesthetics, quality, and efficiency

  • Location

    Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • SQ FT



    7 days

  • DIRTT Construction Partner


  • Architect

    RSP Architects

  • General Contractor

    Gardner Builders

Image Credit: Lindsay Nicole Photography

How do you make a primary-care space more useful and accessible to patients? That was the question facing The Good Clinic as they designed their new facility. They wanted a calming, patient-focused space that felt more residential than institutional. But that was only part of the challenge.

The level of quality had to match the aesthetics. Healthcare spaces demand materials that support privacy needs and improve infection prevention. As the first of many clinics to open in rapid succession, The Good Clinic wanted efficient timelines delivered in a cost-effective way. DIRTT’s method of industrialized construction delivered on all of this.

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Project Includes:

The footprint of future clinics would be different, but 85% of the components would be the same. Developing a standardized kit of parts gave The Good Clinic a huge advantage on scaling and growth. Common elements bring cost and schedule efficiency with them. It allows the clinic to get from permitting to ribbon cutting that much faster. Within that kit of parts are pre-wired wall assemblies for quick installation, durable panels that are easy to clean, and glass walls to increase natural light. DIRTT’s custom solutions and easily repeatable assemblies are a great pair. They ensure The Good Clinic gets exactly what they want, no matter where they open next.

Rather than using standard construction I wanted to use the flexibility and consistency that the DIRTT product brought.

Michael C. Howe

CEO, Founder, The Good Clinic



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    Your design is translated into DIRTT components. You’re empowered with real-time feedback to make faster decisions.



    With software connecting directly to DIRTT factories, every element of your DIRTT space is precision manufactured within 21 days.



    DIRTT components are rapidly installed on a clean job site with less waste.



    Your agile DIRTT space is built to evolve with you. DIRTT components embrace change for a future-friendly space.

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