Richland Community College Sciences Department
A faster way to create student-focused learning spaces
DIRTT Construction Partner
General Contractor
How do you upgrade a bustling post-secondary campus without disrupting the learning of the people who use it? That’s the question Richland Community College faced when revamping their science and nursing spaces. To stay relevant in the competitive post-secondary market, it was crucial they modernize. But they had to do it with as little downtime as possible to continue supporting students. From experience, they knew DIRTT could help them.
Product Spotlight
Project Includes:
In 2017, Richland revamped the Carroll Center for Innovative Learning using DIRTT’s prefabricated, modular assemblies. Richland knew that renovating the science labs could be done quickly with DIRTT’s Solid Walls, Glass Walls, and Casework that was manufactured off-site. Once the demolition work was complete, DIRTT Install Technicians quickly assembled the science and simulation labs. It took just nine months to renovate 21,000 square feet. With that phase complete, the construction team was ready to convert the old science labs into active learning rooms. This time, with less demolition work, they updated 24,000 square feet and only lost one semester of instructional time. And because DIRTT installation is clean and quiet, it didn’t disturb the students working in spaces nearby.
The thing we realized over the three years since we had the first project in, is the durability of the walls... (DIRTT) helps to keep that fresh new look much, much longer.”
Greg Florian
Vice president for Finance and Administration, Richland Community College
Discover how DIRTT can bring the most value to your project.
Your design is translated into DIRTT components. You’re empowered with real-time feedback to make faster decisions.
With software connecting directly to DIRTT factories, every element of your DIRTT space is precision manufactured within 21 days.
DIRTT components are rapidly installed on a clean job site with less waste.
Your agile DIRTT space is built to evolve with you. DIRTT components embrace change for a future-friendly space.
Ready to get started?
Connect with a DIRTT construction specialist to bring your next project to life.